Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sorry I Haven't Posted!

Heyyyyyy! Sorry I haven't posted in a while...yeah, I've been busy lately!!! birthday is in 12 days! Sweeeet! I am soo excited! my basement we are gonna have background music, the Wii, a movie (for later) Karaoke machine, and oterh cools tuff:) Oh, and we will also have facials! Haha's a sleepover...and I invited all the girls in 7th grade:) And a few 8th graders...:) Ya, fun time!

Oh, and before I go, click on this link: She has a new post and if you go on youtube and look up " Fade Away by Megan" she is singing a song she wrote:) Great job, everyone! She sang, her little sister Sammie did the back-up vocals, and her dad and her brother Kiffer did the recording (visit her sister's blog at Anyway, great job!!!

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