Thursday, June 10, 2010

(=fReE sTyLe SwIm MeEt!=)

Haha I can't wait for tongiht! It's the first Freestyle meet (for swimming) this year...haha I'm soo excited! Although, I'm kinda nervous too...I don't want to mess up! :P haha that's be baddd! hehe (: But so goal is to get anything 3rd or higher...I hope I can but it moss likely won't happen...I have good competition this year (: Haha...well I guess I'll just have to hope for the best! even if I don't get a good place it's still fun to hang out with my friends there and eat snacks afterwards! (And going out for icecream...haha) Haha hopefully tonight I'll post on how I did (: I might be tired though...I kinda have alot planned tomorrow too! Haha (: Anyway...H.A.G.S!

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